
I know that it is tough getting rid of tokens that you create, but, that has a simple solution. Stop making tons of worthless tokens. Now the real issue is getting rid of tokens that belong to dead accounts. Tons of people on here creating bogus tokens for no reason whatsoever. Lets delete tokens that give errors too. What's up with that? Tokens that can't be traded because the owners haven't started traded them too. Rediculous.

Sitting on a purch with your eyes closed, listening to the sounds of children play. proper stature, proper pose, where are your children today. Hate and resentment, pride filled with denial, preaching indepedence, but completely servile. mentally insane, slave to the resentment, filled with inner turmoil and pain.

You speak with forked toungues, speaking love, peace, Yelling it from the top of your lungs. God from above, touch the golden fleece, From your mantle it's hung. You speak empty words to manipulate, hypocritical, duplicitous, Until your lies are hard to keep straight. sorrowful, guilt, Webs of lies weaved with hate. And you call it love instead.

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/_7jQ8MP0-Ro

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://youtu.be/MwYk0zBdbG4

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v6ikdhm-strange-stories.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v69biqg-obtu-draco.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v644s04-pharmacology-part-three.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0

The WWOW Token will be used to create a digital environment, where people can exchange content and new ideas among one another. https://rumble.com/v5urbk2-rapid-glitch-tutorial-after-effects-pokemon-nutzlock-template.html?mref=2plz5t&mc=8qrg0