You can give us the WorkTH for BTT, just send us an email cfcbazar@gmail.com, We also now offer the WorkTHR token on pancakeswap, you can get 1 BTT for 1 WorkTHR approximately. The process is: 1. Send us 1 WorkTH on mintme and get 1 BTT on a BTT wallet our WorkTH address: 0xe8911e98a00d36a1841945d6270611510f1c7e88 2. Of course you can give us 1 BTT for 1 WorkTH Our BTT address, BNB chain BEP20: 0xFBd767f6454bCd07c959da2E48fD429531A1323A 3. Swap 1 WorkTHR for 1 BTT or BTT for WorkTHR on pancakeswap.finance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1JR8c8a_B8

You can use the links in our mintme profile: https://www.mintme.com/token/WorkTH email: ArakelTheDragon@gmail.com/CfCbazar@gmail.com web: www.sa.free.bg Phone/WhatsApp: +420 723 447 398 Telegram: t.me/cfcbazargroup

We have added 600 duino coin as a reserve. We are giving 1 duino coin for for 73 WorkTH

Hi! You can exchange the WorkTH for USDT as of now. https://www.mintme.com/token/WorkTH/USDT/trade

https://www.mintme.com/token/WorkTH/invite Visit our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@sa-free-bg/videos


Hi! Since mining tokens is not possible normally, we offer the following workaround, we will exchange our token for USDT, BTT and other coins later as follows: 1 WorkTH = 2 BTT 1 WorkTH = 0.0000024280 USDT The maximum amount for 1 trade is 100 WorkTH BTTC address (TRC20), new BTTC: TPY5eCuABde1Fqeo4ZLHvX3ronAuD9o39i The price of the WorkTH will change and may increase to 2 or more BTT for 1 WorkTH depending on the demand.

Hi! We are trying to release the token on the the USDT market, making it a WorkTH/USDT pair, but in order to reduce the costs and justify the token, we ask you to trade as much as you can, invite your friends as well please. Once we hit the 24000 mint me border from trading we will invest it all into placing the token on the market, after which we will go for the next step into increasing the price.

We are currently backing up our token with other crypto coins, which we will exchange on binance for our token: 1. 400 000 BTT for 200 000 WorkTH, 1 WorkTH is 2 BTT(TRC20) BTTC(new TRC20) address: TPY5eCuABde1Fqeo4ZLHvX3ronAuD9o39i