There was our hope again. Most of those firms have web application forms and our pitch deck was friendly enough to our taste. The platform counts on its own cryptocurrency. This is going to be the most prominent way to get support.
I had an idea. I had this thing I’ve been trying for quite a while and it turned out it could be developed as a business opportunity. I talked to a friend about it. That friend talked to another friend of hers and this one encouraged my friend to both partners with me at it. Now we are three and the idea.
We went to the bank. It was kind of interesting. We understood not so far from it that, to make this happen, someone must provide the capital. We knew it was not going to be easy, but since there was this frenesí for entrepreneurship all around, we thought we could be part of it too.
We finally presented our project
So there we were for the third time in the bank. An operator told us these matters are attended only on Thursdays and it was already Friday the first time we went. We had to wait a couple of hours the second time because we arrived too early. At that moment the operator told us we needed to fulfill a bunch of requirements we didn’t even know they existed. Nevertheless, six months after we managed to get them all, we finally presented our project.
And they turned us down. Apparently, the expectation of profit didn’t look too solid at their glance. By that time we looked at each other’s faces and asked ourselves how could they measure these kinds of things?
We found out about Venture Capitals.
There is a test for it. There are these guidelines through which every project must be tested and based on results, they can get to calculate how much to invest. Not our case, to make it short. We did some research after a few months then and found out about Venture Capitals.
Hope took a new trip. We didn’t have to go to any headquarter to present our project. Most of those firms have web application forms and our pitch deck was friendly enough to our taste. We started getting answers after a little while.
It was hard from any of the ventures to trust in someone from another country. Especially if that country has been banned over some areas by the country where the venture capital is based. Our entrepreneurship, as so many other activities, got affected by a conflict politicians don’t get to solve.
We thought of Crowdfunding too
How does a project get the necessary funding then? We thought of Crowdfunding too. There was a chance to get support little a by little through a crowdfunding platform. We tried. We hoped. We expected. We waited.
And nothing happened since then. It seemed that we were inside some sort of middle stage where no practical solution may come close. Several Venture Capitals have declined our project. Is there anything we should do? Actually yes. Blockchain crowdfunding through mintMe.com.
We needed less political money
There was our hope again. mintMe.com enables you to create your own token for free. This was very important to consider and we haven’t until then. We needed a cross-border asset, a financial instrument capable of trade among nations regardless of their political situations. We needed a new currency that bypasses such limitations. We needed less political money, in simple terms.
And blockchain technology became a sort of path for it. We can create our tokens on mintMe and use them as a means of exchange for our project’s support. The platform counts on its own cryptocurrency. Now any project, from anywhere, can be part of this mutual support praxis.
This may sound not too solid at first glance. We thought it as well. There are so many discussions about it at this moment. That makes it even more interesting if we take a closer look. It is evolving. This system is growing. Every project at least at an early stage will be tokenized eventually. This is going to be the most prominent way to get support.
By Orlan Silva