Newly Lowered Withdrawal Fees:
BTC: From 0.0009 to 0.0004
ETH (on Arbitrum): From 0.0008 to 0.0004
BNB: From 0.004 to 0.002
CRO: From 20 to 10
MATIC: From 4 to 1.5
AVAX: From 0.09 to 0.03
ARB: From 2 to 1
USDC (on Ethereum): From 29 to 20
USDC (on BSC): From 5 to 2
USDT (on Ethereum): From 29 to 20
USDT (on BSC): From 5 to 2
Solana: From 0.01 to 0.008
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