Buy directly from TOKEN OWNER( "NOT" on the sales board)And get the bargin you paid for. Price of DONATION buy in 9999. Get your Anunki Tokens Today..
Donations at 9999.000 Sales: 900.00(should be thanks to the haters) Looking for business investors and partners.
These team membets are trying so hard to devaule the Anunki Token. WHY? Because there scard that this token will be greater then theres. Why not devaule a token that has took over the market
Opening suppies of the anunki dragon token opens at 973.00 bids less than 900.00 will not see profits. Donations at 973.000
Its time to move forward Its better to be friends than enemies. Love and light 🌹 X
All sale supplies of the Anunki dragon token is closed. 1/25 of the supply has been depleated. Investors should set there sale at 2999.. To compete with the next Anunki
The Anunki war game is a project in the workings . Our goal is to build a gaming environment using the Anunki as a p2 token for winner's of the game. Prizes and free raffles for tokens. Prototype Buy AnunKi Dragon Tokens and Nft art on spaces
The Anunki Dragon Token Discount Buy before the price goes up.Token supply will close.