Dan, a Dharma Bum and Crypto Enthusiast, finds himself on a weird journey after stumbling upon an enigmatic figure known only as ‘Lumina’. A name that seems to echo through Cyberia, whispered in hushed tones by those who claim to have witnessed her presence... Video: https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1668763048183074834 Blog: https://www.minds.com/SatoriD/blog/dude-where-s-my-wallet-who-is-lumina-part-1-1647397641866186754 Embed: https://www.minds.com/embed/1668762700445913101
https://youtu.be/JwSz_X8IzK4?si=Ndc2tB1OiYsB3C16 https://www.mintme.com/news/version-3-0-sneak-peek-transparent-pricing
We put all our user based help videos in a blog and on our ecosytem website for future reference! A huge thanks to @bobdub for all the hard work on making the videos! Blog: https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/blog/the-mintme-handbook-1675942491817250825 Website: https://mtcg.glitch.me/MintMe-User-Guide/
A future DWMW eposide written by withinthevacuum -- The screen fades in with a dark, swirling vortex of cosmic clouds. Inside the vortex, there’s a chaotic scene unfolding. We zoom in closer… it’s Mike. He’s floating in an endless void, wearing pajamas covered in Bitcoin logos. His hair is sticking up like he’s just been electrocuted. He’s sweating and mumbling incoherently as he’s surrounded by an overwhelming digital rain of 0s, 1s, and… smart contracts? Read More: https://www.minds.com/withinthevacuum/blog/dwmw-subatomic-nightmare-and-the-blockchain-overload-1672819836608057351