Keep bringing back dragons; they have been absent from our world for too long. All the dragon enthusiasts, unite and rally behind the DragonToken! Imagine a world where majestic dragons soar through the skies once more, breathing fire and inspiring the creation of legendary memes. With DragonToken, you're not just investing in a cryptocurrency; you're reigniting the flames of fantasy and bringing back the wonder of these mythical creatures. Join the movement to resurrect dragons and unleash a wave of fire-breathing memes across the digital realm. By supporting DragonToken, you're not only investing in a token; you're investing in a vision of awe-inspiring creatures returning to our collective consciousness and fueling endless internet hilarity. Embrace the power of the DragonToken and let your support roar across the crypto landscape. Together, let's make dragons a reality once again, and let the memes reign supreme! MemeWars: Part of the MTCG Ecosystem:

Created on:
17 Jun 2021
Wallet on exchange:
3 465 583.0660
Sold on the market:
3 105 221.4759
Active orders:
3 401 722.0000
Created on:
17 Jun 2021
Wallet on exchange:
3 465 583.0660
2 500 105.0000
Sold on the market:
3 105 221.4759
Direct buy volume:
176 533
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Top Holders
Trader Amount
2 148 407
756 793
679 849
399 439
303 373
248 750
116 750
106 325
96 365
95 253
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