Hello everyone. The idea of NFT's in Avalanche was discarded because the HatchyPocket project has not generated its staking program after months of being announced and mainly due to lack of interest. However for some reason I am seeing current buy orders for Indicator, probably motivated by the need to speculate. That is why in three days from today I will be selling a good amount of Indicator. My recommendation is that you do not buy because there is no project under the token, but if you like to speculate, it is your decision.

As a first step to add value to Indicator I have decided to create a database that is intended to be sold to other mintme.com users. The idea is to sell it to those who want to do a direct airdrop of their tokens without filters. All profits will go to Indicator holders. https://form.jotform.com/211578796447068 https://i.postimg.cc/QdgBTG24/Opera-Snapshot-2021-06-07-225548-form-jotform-com.png

Now prices of MINTME will slowly adjust to BTC and ETH recovery

If you do not buy MINTME right now, it is very likely that you will not find it cheaper later in the year. Just saying.

A trial program for the wallet will start where users will be rewarded. A paradigm shift is coming to Indicator, stay tuned https://i.postimg.cc/RV7xpdMj/Mint-Me-Wallet.png

Hi. Just to say that this token is not dead. A couple of ideas come up to add real value to the token. You will see!

Because I keep my word, here is the proof of payment to Cornelius for 19200 https://www.mintme.com/token/Rockstars. Go to https: //discord.gg/vyXuzFCGbW, MANY free tokens to those who come through this link https://i.postimg.cc/fW5510pz/Opera-Snapshot-2021-03-26-145407-discord-com.png