Post 2213 post
Post 2213
00:03:52 02 Mar, 2021

Here are the rules: You kin only use an authentic Steve jackson illuminati card game car. You can not use a variant or one that has bee made up by Paint Shop. You can not use the official BLANK sets to make your own cards. Sorry but that wouldz be a real cheatin mess. To Play your card yo need to post it to a paid POST. I will title the post in this format JIMBO JONES MGR has played the (HEAD IN THE JAR) card

Jimbo Jones Mobile Game Review Its ME! Jimbo... Jimbo Jones Mobile Game Review! Uze this token to Buy, Sell and Trade Video Game Stuff at: It's 2023 and I been drunk fur two years... dang time sure flies when your high on the hootch. I is still figurlatin this token stuff out. Like I jist want to make free tokens so I kin buy more booze and stay fried. You git what I em sayin. Lay around waiting for the email allert "You got drankin money from JimboCoin". Then hot foot it to the nearest Circle K for Roller Bites and a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Maybe a new hat and some chaw. So I em working on it. I is the Shine Jug sippin, vidja game flippin, back yonder Skill Billy from Blue Tick Crick! I mangle and angle them Noobs on the Vidja game Tube until they is just a notch in me rope belt. You Know who I be... UPDATE: MARCH 1st 2021: Jimbo Jones Mobile Game Review is adding an Online Auction that will use JIMBO Tokens based off the MintMe Blockchain. JIMBO Tokens have not been deployed to the blockchain as of March 1st 2021. I is lookin and a fixin to putz it on the Blockchain on April 1st 2021. I need to figurlate and cyfer how this whole thang workz. Now my shine drinkin and vidja game playin getz in the way of things like this here book learnin. But I will work at it cause I needz to gitz this hear stuff online and hummin. My sour mash is 6 days old and I am plumb out of corn meal, sugar and yeast. My cooler got a hole in it and I ate all the oranges. So I am fingered like the G man comin down the hollar after me sweet white lightning. Its Me! Jimbo... Jimbo Jones Mobile Game Review! No Politics, No BS ! 100% Jimbo Garyanttea ! Jist pure Vidja Game action 365 by 24 - 7 I kin Teach yous how to does things with a komputer that other gamerz kint #JimboJonesMGR DO NOT MISS ME DAILY CARD OF THE DAY EVERYDAY A NEW CARD DOWNLOAD CARDS AND PLAY AGAINST EVERYONE ON THE ENTERNHAT

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28 Feb 2021
Wallet on exchange:
5 110 045.6621
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Created on:
28 Feb 2021
Wallet on exchange:
5 110 045.6621
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Post 2213 post
00:03:52 02 Mar, 2021

Here are the rules: You kin only use an authentic Steve jackson illuminati card game car. You can not use a variant or one that has bee made up by Paint Shop. You can not use the official BLANK sets to make your own cards. Sorry but that wouldz be a real cheatin mess. To Play your card yo need to post it to a paid POST. I will title the post in this format JIMBO JONES MGR has played the (HEAD IN THE JAR) card

Post 2212 post
00:03:47 02 Mar, 2021

Its ME! Jimbo... Jimbo Jones Mobile Game Review This post is going to be used as a Pay To Play Illuminati Card Game session. You can download your Illuminati Card Game pictures from the internat. Its the one made by Steve Jackson.

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