Gig Coin the parent of, LeGgit Token is used to transition 1 Gigabyte of data on to Telegram (Random) instances generated by each time a Password [entered] incorrectly from the devices being used to request access. LeGgit Token cache can be used by the holder as a form of deterrent for security from others entering the holders account/s. At the moment LeGgit may be used from the address used in Registrar of account for the wallet obtaining record of cache of LeGit . (The more LeGgit Tokens held the more potential data may be issued in the public view of others .) Random instances choose contact list data(name, phone number, email address, and other details written in a device address book) Other information instances generated by every token LeGgit holder owns is irrelevant data in the form of Capts to camouflage the owners actual information. These are set to release Capts once LeGgit Token/s are burned after the owner (holder) has held token/s in wallet for minimum of 30days . LeGgit Tokens held for longer do not increase the security of the token only the amount of tokens held in a (single) wallet increases the security of a LeGgit Caches. • Gig Coin is made from layers of the Token data, 1,000£e LeGgit Token make up 1 Gig Coin. (Abbreviation for LeGgit = £e) Forecast: Gig Coin implementation for public or private use depending on it's lower denomination ability to read, server and unallocated 1/3 of total LeGgit Tokens available for purchase can be used for Git Networks. (Not Yet Ready) ✓ Git Networking has is ™ along with ✓ Gig Coin Copyright 2019 -2025 G1 AD PRESS . All rights reserved ✓ LeGgit Tokens Registered in V1.9.58 2022 * 1£e = 1 LeGgit Token * 20£e = Minimum Token amount for LeGgit Cache * LeGgit Caches can differ in securities from 20£e to 1,000£e * 1,000£e = 1Gg * 1 Gig Coin = 1Gg If Amended Changes will be shown below Gig Coin the parent of, LeGgit Token is used to transition 1 Gigabyte of data on to Telegram (Random) instances generated by each time a Password [entered] incorrectly from the devices being used to request access. LeGgit Token cache can be used by the holder as a form of deterrent for security from others entering the holders account/s. At the moment LeGgit may be used from the address used in Registrar of account for the wallet obtaining record of cache of LeGit . (The more LeGgit Tokens held the more potential data may be issued in the public view of others .) Random instances choose contact list data(name, phone number, email address, and other details written in a device address book) Other information instances generated by every token LeGgit holder owns is irrelevant data in the form of Capts to camouflage the owners actual information. These are set to release Capts once LeGgit Token/s are burned after the owner (holder) has held token/s in wallet for minimum of 30days . LeGgit Tokens held for longer do not increase the security of the token only the amount of tokens held in a (single) wallet increases the security of a LeGgit Caches. • Gig Coin is made from layers of the Token data, 1,000£e LeGgit Token make up 1 Gig Coin. (Abbreviation for LeGgit = £e) Forecast: Gig Coin implementation for public or private use depending on it's lower denomination ability to read, server and unallocated 1/3 of total LeGgit Tokens available for purchase can be used for Git Networks. (Not Yet Ready) ✓ Git Networking has is ™ along with ✓ Gig Coin Copyright 2019 -2025 G1 AD PRESS . All rights reserved ✓ LeGgit Tokens Registered in V1.9.58 2022 * 1£e = 1 LeGgit Token * 20£e = Minimum Token amount for LeGgit Cache * LeGgit Caches can differ in securities from 20£e to 1,000£e * 1,000£e = 1Gg * 1 Gig Coin = 1Gg

Created on:
21 Sep 2022
Wallet on exchange:
5 182 176.2213
Sold on the market:
100 000.0000
Active orders:
1 631 354.0000
Created on:
21 Sep 2022
Wallet on exchange:
5 182 176.2213
Sold on the market:
100 000.0000
Direct buy volume:
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