The International Better Life Federation (IBLF). Mission: Improvement of life quality for 700 millions of people worldwide, and radical life improvement for 3 millions of people worldwide. Strategy: Creation of the framework infrastructure for systematic all-sided life quality improvement for all individuals and companies, desiring to participate. Spheres of life improvement: finance, job and career, business, love, relationships, sexual life, family, children, soul comfort, joy, happiness, personal growth, education, self-realization, housing, living conditions, transportation, power, status, social activities, politics, recreation, traveling, hobbies, information, health, beauty and longevity. Subprojects to start with: Universal Problem Solver, Desires Implementor, Private Life Builder, Project Incubator, Study Yourself, Build Yourself, Truth Finder, Mission Finder, Mission Implementor, Tokenize-All, Self-Replicate-All, Goal-Tune-All, "We support IBLF" and "Made by Active Sun" certification, Idea Generating Community, Ideas Implementer, Circle of Magicians, Inspiration Builder, "My Life" game, All-in-1 Consumption Package, Nanoassembler Building Project, Breakthrough Inventions Blockchain, Life Quality Marketplace, IBLF Instant Messenger. We have almost finished testing of the concept for viral fast collecting of the audience. Basing on figures collected from testing, we plan to collect about 100 millions of free users in the first year, and about 700 millions in the second year. At this stage we need $50,000 funding to start-up and get to work the viral mechanism to collect a large audience, build relationships with it and start monetization. All subsystems implementation will take 2.9 million dollars of investment. All early buyers of Life Quality Tokens will probably get a 500%+ return in a year after the project start due to its value growth. Why? Because the audience will grow exponentially, and new investors from it will probably happilly collect the main investment of 2.9 million dollars. 10% of the investment (290 thousand dollars) collected will be profit of the system, which will cover the seed investment of the first token buyers and give them profit of 580%. It's the basic mechanism of return for the seed investments. This is not to mention all the main operations and sales.

Created on:
18 Sep 2019
Wallet on exchange:
10 000 000.0000
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Created on:
18 Sep 2019
Wallet on exchange:
10 000 000.0000
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