People who are serious about their investments, you should definatly take a look at the new bEUBI Exchange that has just been set up. Not only is the token in a pretty high pool, it has smart contracts, it has liquidity and reward programs. Now bEUBI even launched their own exchange website, where you can earn by referring your friends to purchase bEUBI and have a passive income. Check out their new website https://bit.ly/bEUBI, register and know the cheapest way of trading bEUBI. If you're in need of just bEUBI and you can't just invest MintMe, send some BNB to 0xdbaae2cf6157f6ff2c31d932c336529b92282720 and you will get instant bEUBI at the lowest fees!

People who are serious about their investments, you should definatly take a look at the new bEUBI Exchange that has just been set up. Not only is the token in a pretty high pool, it has smart contracts, it has liquidity and reward programs. Now bEUBI even launched their own exchange website, where you can earn by referring your friends to purchase bEUBI and have a passive income. Check out their new website https://bit.ly/bEUBI, register and know the cheapest way of trading bEUBI. If you're in need of just bEUBI and you can't just invest MintMe, send some BNB to 0xdbaae2cf6157f6ff2c31d932c336529b92282720 and you will get instant bEUBI at the lowest fees!

EUBI holds a giveaway for all bEUBI's Pancakeswap liquidity pool providers. Liquidity providers as a percentage of their holdings in the bEUBI liquidity pool will receive part of $100 worth BNB (Smart Chain). For example who will hold 10% from bEUBI liquidity pool, will get $10 worth BNB (Smart Chain). Above this giveaway, all liquidity providers will receive every month $0.4 worth BNB (Smart Chain) for every their LP token. Next payout will be on 1.november 2021. Add liquidity to List of bEUBI liquidity providers (Pancake token holders) Informations about bEUBI liquidity pool

Hey guys! Today i want to share some information about my partner's token bEUBI! Did you know that investing in bEUBI on the MintMe platform is giving you the possibility to earn back BNB/MINTME each month? Since today, it is even possible to add some liquidity and earn on the small traders by using the pancakeswap platform. Or, if you are a small trader, you can even swap bEUBI to 2000+ other different tokens to your liking trough metamask. You can check out the pancakeswap pool here: https://pancakeswap.finance/add/BNB/0x27fAAa5bD713DCd4258D5C49258FBef45314ae5D ! If you have some questions, you can ask them in the 💱︱eubi channel on our discord or contact one of us directly!

Please note, this is still a work in progress and might have some bugs. If you encounter a bug, please let me of one of the teammembers know in the discord so we can look at it. The purpose of the Escrow is to send (MintMe for now) to a different person, in a live situation. As a service for example this can be used to aquire a payment. The transactions are anonymous as they all go trough a contract. So if you want to siphon mintme to a different wallet without someone noticing, here's your chance! There are a few requirements that are needed to have a working situation: A sender with his computer and the wallet + mail of the receiver adress. A receiver with his computer to follow the link. Testing can be done here: https://prss-escrow.firebaseapp.com/. If there would be a loading bug, please refresh your screen by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+R. More questions? Id gladly answer them in discord!

Hello all (Slightly postponed due to TZ and internal conflicts) The first Alpha of the escrow contract will be online very soon! From there on we can go public and get better, since i can focus more on the systems outside of the MintMe ecosystem now that i halted my own trades and withdrawn nearly my full portfolio out of this website. The escrow service will provide VISIBLE and PUBLIC on the BLOCKCHAIN transactions. If you have questions about how escrow works, you can always contact me!

Hello my friends, investors PRSS tokenomics is still tradable, but PRSS is halting all investings inside the mintme.com platform untill further notice. All assets are withdrawn to a safe and stored wallet. Some people need to know that in order to get a decent business, you need to get listed on multiple websites which make this a very hard process. I have met with KYC, had to give detailed information about my project and at least i had to have a decent representative, a stable income, people vouching for me and making sure my business is legit. For that matter, i'll even publically give you my real name, i'm not afraid. I'm not hiding, instead i come forward with the truth like a real whistleblower should do.

I run a security firm, i identified a scammer with multiple alts amongst us, multiple pump and dump fake firms he's creating and and exposed them, like a good security firm should, if anyone else would like further proof, you can contact me directly, we consider this matter closed. We continue to strive for stability and a safer place for all of us.

To all my followers, fellow investors, friends, i wish you all to check out the newly deployed token https://www.mintme.com/token/XatteR! This creator has an excellent view, skilled communications, vision and knows where he want's to go with his project. MineMintTeam gave way more support then i could, so cheers on the new deployment! 🥂

Since the siteload is getting a bit too much i'm getting some help from some good coders to help me build a more stable site where we will be able to do even more (web3 integration etc). There is no pressure, but we need to adapt for the better and make changes to succees where we can. Take risks where we might learn from and at the worst only learn from our mistakes. Invest in the future. Coingecko, here we come?

Hello all I’d like to inform you all that as of today, PRSS is also listed on https://coincodex.com/. I'm one of the first applicants on MintMe, and i'm going to request that the MintMe team contacts them for more specific details to integrate our market as well. The application was sent a few weeks ago, and i got a very nice and personal mail back. Spreading awareness, visibility and a stable growth are factors that are interesting for newer oppertunities and investors. https://coincodex.com/crypto/prss/ Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS/