Make them around 1 mintme. Set each buy order @ $1.25 mintme.

Market orders provide liquidity @ price rate. While limited orders are 2 orders that agree price between buy and sell order. No liquidity means no mintme coins in your account.

Primary & Secondary Exchange wallets will be on the business cards with 100 renegade tokens on each card. #Renegade

Pittsburgh Digital Firm LLC will use 50 wallets to stored renegade tokens. #renegade

Airdrop campaign begins and recieve Renegade tokens.#renegade

Use renegade tokens & recieve Pittsburgh Digital Firm LLC projects. https://www.mintme.com/token-settings/Renegade/promotion/token_shop #Renegade

This project connects with other ecosystem projects. Using same wallet for Eth, BNB , Polygon, Avax blockchains. Supply holders https://snowtrace.io/token/0x028f86afd14a7009592b3b3d766f0f51ebec2ae7/balances?chainId=43114 Project price https://coinmarketcap.com/dexscan/avalanche/0x66c04239741024d3e72051500f18f8ab654660ba/

Projects will be added & accepting mintme & renegade tokens.

This is the last domain that will be added to Pittsburgh Digital Firm LLC. Entire ecosystem and Non Ecosystem projects are together with all domains.