https://www.mintme.com/media/cache/avatar_large/uploads/images/d4fd4c1e-4121-11eb-8c0c-ac162db679ce.pngFor first 1000 participants 100 SERFIK for free.

Exactly one month has passed since the first investor appeared.we would like to thank Smile https://www.mintme.com/media/cache/avatar_large/uploads/images/bfec7d8c-1c0e-11eb-b708-78e3b517e592.png for the first move and wish you further success in your work, health and happiness!

You can support the development of the token by purchasing a product with our design on Redbubble.With each sale, we get 6% which is used to promote the SERFIK token.You have a pleasant and warm memory from the purchase,and help us in development!We would like to remind you that we also participate in the bidding of other tokens!Read more in the description... bit.ly/3rbbL8z