
Start date: 08.02.2021 20:08:55 | End date: 08.04.2021 20:08:00 | Created by: Satoshi

what do you think. satoshi should sell how much satoshi? and how much to burn? you decide my next action. and let's execute it. soon we will fly



Current Results

Loading... Satoshi was born from the idea of creating a new website to be able to exchange our tokens directly between users as well as to be able to trade with other fashionable cryptos, thus being able to increase all our capital and investments. And also thus directly help mintme to increase its value powerfully. First stage was to go up to deploy to satoshi. The second stage is to promote the sale and purchase of satoshi. The third stage is the creation of the web exchange for our deploy tokens. The fourth stage is to let the tokens flow and among the entire community look for new members on all the crypto pages or groups in the world. It is an extremely ambitious project for the benefit of all. I look forward to your collaborations. If you bet on SATOSHI, you will add chances to your future in crypto. Anyone who wants to be part of the satoshi team. We need programmers, designers And analysts. To enter the team a donation of 50,000 MINTME is required. Satoshi nació de la idea de crear una nueva web para poder intercambiar nuestros token directamente entre los usuarios así como también poder hacer trader con otras criptos de moda, Así poder aumentar todos nuestros capitales y inversiones. Y también así ayudar directamente a mintme a aumentar su valor poderosamente. Primer etapa era subir a deploy a satoshi. La segunda etapa es promover la venta y compra de satoshi. La tercer etapa es la creación de la web exchange para nuestros token de deploy. La cuarta etapa es dejar fluir los token y entre toda la comunidad buscar nuevos miembros en todas las páginas o grupos de criptos del mundo. Es un proyecto sumamente ambicioso para el beneficio de todo. Espero sus colaboraciones. Si apostas a SATOSHI es sumar chances a tu futuro en la cripto. Cualquier persona que quiera ser parte del team de satoshi. Necesitamos programadores, diseñadores Y analistas. Para entrar al equipo se requiere una donación de 50 000 MINTME.

Created on:
12 Dec 2020
Wallet on exchange:
Sold on the market:
9 587 748.0461
Active orders:
1 278 161.0000
Created on:
12 Dec 2020
Wallet on exchange:
412 250.0000
Sold on the market:
9 587 748.0461
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
important post
16:12:14 11 Dec, 2021

good morning investors. I have the pleasant news that the new token exchange website is almost ready. we need to pay the last expenses. We are going to put the last 1,000,000 satoshi up for sale. We need your support now more than ever. once the funds are raised. The web will be available within 15 business days once the published satoshis are sold

new news post
04:08:47 22 Aug, 2021

we are a little absent lately in the tracking of the token, we are very busy in the new web. of SATOSHISWAP. very soon you will be able to exchange your satoshi for other tokens directly. I want to tell you that the most benefited with the new website will be investors who have more than 500,000 sashis. We are going to have a special section for all investor users who have more than 500,000 satoshis in their portfolio. We estimate that the new website would be ready in a few months.

future post
19:08:45 11 Aug, 2021

the best time to buy satoshi that time, when the stock runs out we will continue to climb up. very soon I calculate that we will arrive 0.1

sell post
17:08:21 07 Aug, 2021

sell full stock satoshi

competition post
20:07:13 21 Jul, 2021

hello to all investors. I have a small competition for them. I am going to give 200k to the investors who buy the most satoshi. from time to July 23. the 200k are for only 2 investors. or only 1 investor that exceeds 500k in purchases. so we are going to motivate the increase. after that weld again to buy buy back

gift competition post
20:07:38 21 Jul, 2021

hola a todos los inversores. les tengo una pequeña compètencia voy a regalar 200k a los inversores que mas satoshi compren. desde hora al 23 de julio. los 200 k son para solo 2 inversores. o solo 1 inversor que supere los 500k en compras. asi vamos a motivar el aumento. luego de eso soldre nuevmente a comprar recomprar

imminent takeoff post
03:07:01 17 Jul, 2021

Resistence post
05:07:07 14 Jul, 2021

Hello everybody. we are going well with the climb. today make a purchase of 50k of satoshis to accumulate. my current stock is 260 thousand satoshi. I'm going to do another 200 satoshi burn to increase the value. We are currently at a resistance of 0.03 when it breaks that small resistance we start the journey. Better start to hold tight because until 1 mint we do not stop. take advantage of leaving purchase orders.

progress post
17:07:21 07 Jul, 2021

we are going with a very good climb. I tell you that for Sunday it is very likely that we will continue the bullish cycle, and we will reach the value 0.04, and gain strength and in a week we step on 0.1 there is a long way to go but we will soon reach the value 1 mint for 1 satoshi. we are on a very good path. There are many surprises next week for investors with a minimum of 400 satoshi.

burning post
18:07:50 06 Jul, 2021

Well today I come with good news for all investors, we took some measures very close together, we tried to dilute satoshi to create a much broader market but it is still too early. we are going to cancel satoshi 2.0 and stoshi x, for the moment we are going to increase the value of satoshi so that all investors increase profits and invest with greater security. So to increase confidence I just burned 1,500,000 satoshis, that now indicates that there are only 2,000,000 fewer satoshis on the market. to impact the price directly. I always remind you that I thank all the investors who trust in the great future of satoshi. the stock of satoshi ebn my wallet is only 190k