Scoin a currency with a future👌🏻. This currency has one purpose: to be a cryptocurrency on a blockchain, to be used by thousands of people to grow .. Why anticipate buying Scoin ?! Easy the Top 10 contributors get from 1.1% to 1.9% (When the blockchain is activated), and if the project is abandoned, the funds of the 10 contributors will be returned and the other people will be returned 0.5% of their investment (0.5% used for savings, to activate the blockchain) What are you waiting for, invest now !! 🤯✍🏻 Español:Scoin una moneda con futuro👌🏻. Esta moneda tiene un proposito: Ser un criptodivisa en una blockchain,ser usada por miles de personas crecer.. porque anticiparme a comprar Scoin?! Facil los Top 10 contribuidores obtienen de 1.1% hasta 1.9% (Cuando la blockchain se active), y si el proyecto es abandonado los fondos de los 10 contribudores seran devueltos y a las demas personas se les devolvera el 0.5% de su inversion (0.5% usado para ahorro,para activar la blockchain) Que esperas invierte ahora!!🤯✍🏻

Created on:
15 Oct 2021
Wallet on exchange:
8 559 999.5000
Sold on the market:
Active orders:
1 440 000.0000
Created on:
15 Oct 2021
Wallet on exchange:
8 559 999.5000
Sold on the market:
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Firts Airdrop!! 😘✍🏻 post
06:10:11 15 Oct, 2021

Suscribe to the airdrop and invest on my coin the airdrop is free for all 🤖✍🏻👌🏻

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