TREE Industries is an emerging technology company that specializes in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IoT, AR, and VR with a focus on open source and privacy centered products and services. In addition to creating our own products and services, TREE Industries is dedicated to contributing to open source projects within emerging technologies. The TREE Token is give a way anyone can contribute to open source and democratic AI. This is because the TREE token will be used directly to help fund our open source projects. The more success our token has the more time our team will be able to dedicate towards building emerging technology solutions that are accessible to everyone. These projects include things like skills for the open source AI platform Mycroft AI, Unity powered AI avatars that integrate with Mycroft AI, and our smart assistant for education EZRA. Github Page: 3D Avatar App: Ultimate Disc Golf Video game: TREE Token Roadmap Phase 1 - Current Phase During the first phase TREE tokens will be sold from 0.1 to .5 MintMe until the first 5 million tokens have been sold. We will be limiting sell orders to a few thousand tokens at a time as to not flood the market. Airdrops will occur periodically when we have a big release or project that comes out. This could be an open source project or one of our commercial projects. Phase 2 Once 5 million tokens have been sold at a discounted price, we will slowly begin to increase the price of our sell orders while also selling less tokens overall. This will reward early adopters who choose to support us early and hold our tokens. Phase 3 The goal for phase 3 will be to continue trickling TREE tokens out to the market, while mostly focusing on better rewards for token holders. This includes eventually being able to purchase certain products and services from us using TREE tokens. The conversion rate when purchasing products using our token will go by the current market price of the TREE token. This will reward our early supporters and those that buy the token early since their tokens will have greater purchasing power with TREE the higher the token price becomes.

Created on:
04 Jun 2019
Wallet on exchange:
7 986 322.1953
Sold on the market:
1 036 828.0450
Active orders:
983 164.0000
Created on:
04 Jun 2019
Wallet on exchange:
7 986 322.1953
10 000.0000
Sold on the market:
1 036 828.0450
Direct buy volume:
9 803
Latest News
TREE token listed on Coinpaprika post
21:05:26 05 May, 2021

We have begun the process of getting our token listed on as many sites as possible in order to increase visibility and hopefully attract more outside investors interested in supporting open source tech to come to MintMe and use the TREE token to do so.

Ultimate Disc Golf Video Game - Casual Round Menu Updates post
22:04:07 28 Apr, 2021

More updates to the "Casual Round" screen on Ultimate Disc Golf. The dynamic weather system can be disabled, letting the player choose their desired weather. The sky on this screen changes to reflect this setting.

DeepMotion AI Motion Capture - Tutorial / Breakdown post
17:04:14 15 Apr, 2021

We created an animation of pro Disc Golfer Paul McBeth's throw using just video and #AI​ powered by DeepMotion while giving a brief tutorial and breakdown on how this cool cloud based app works.

Post 3067 post
00:04:46 07 Apr, 2021

TREE Industries featured on 80.Level! Be sure to check out the article for a full breakdown of our progress on integrating AI with Unreal Engine

Post 2931 post
15:04:52 01 Apr, 2021

Conversation with an AI Avatar (Testing) In this test video we are conversing in (near) real-time with a 3D human avatar backed by smart assistant AI technology. Still much to do in order to improve performance, and enhance the natural reactions and procedural expressions.

Post 2319 post
21:03:51 05 Mar, 2021

Ultimate Disc Golf NFTS - Coming Soon Own a piece of digital real estate, coming soon we will be offering and NFT for each course in Ultimate Disc Golf and the owner of each course NFT will have their name / handle on an in-game sign at the start of each course.

Post 2275 post
20:03:33 03 Mar, 2021

Unreal Engine MetaHumans - Oculus Lip Sync Test Giving these #UnrealEngine​ MetaHumans the ability to use the @oculus lip sync plugin. Getting much better and this is with only about 6 of the 15 visemes needed set up.

Post 2039 post
21:02:19 22 Feb, 2021

Ultimate Disc Golf Video Game - New Discs Available Meet the 5 new discs available in the latest release of Ultimate Disc Golf.

Post 1881 post
16:02:59 14 Feb, 2021

Unreal Engine + Mozilla DeepSpeech Test Mozilla Deepspeech​ running inside Unreal Engine fully offline in all it's glory. All bets are off for what we can do with this from here...

Post 1410 post
18:01:30 22 Jan, 2021

Disc Golf Video Game - Top Disc Game Mode Preview It's Alive! The Top Disc game mode in Ultimate Disc Golf is now functional here is an early preview video. Still needs optimization and polishing so fps is a bit laggy, better preview coming soon. "Top Disc" will be a game mode that is similar to the popular Top Golf.

Top Holders
Trader Amount
118 869
84 356
44 405
36 653
35 878
20 247
18 788
14 812
11 624
10 830
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