A decentralized racing championship | RACE . UPGRADE . EARN |
VRIL token is the native token of Vrilya and it's used for trading assets, rewards, governance, etc.
| Vrilya implements an internal decentral NFT Market place for its users to trade their assets easily. You can buy/sell your assets easily by a few clicks.
| All of assets in VRIL such as Cars, Environments, Upgradables and etc are ownable NFTs so once your bought some assets, you are the owner of your assets and no body even the game creators do not have any controller over your assets. Every asset is an ERC-721 (NFT) smart contract on BSC network.
| https://vrilya.io/VRIL%20Project%20(BlackPaper).pdf | https://vrilya.io | https://bscscan.com/token/0x62b811f5A3866Fe98A031c50Dd221eFA7BdcF851 | https://twitter.com/Vrilya_io
.:: www.Vrilya.io ::.