Start date: 11.27.2024 19:11:34 | End date: 01.18.2025 19:01:00 | Created by: PrinceAnunkiBenUr
- Albion Realm
- Atlan Realm
- Afrikaan Realm
The AltlanReals are the realms created by united nations ambassadors of None Governmental Organizations. Voteing for the anunki dragon token as the univeral token would bring international assests business of trade and commerce. There are three Realms The Albion Realm The Atlan Realm. Afrikaan Realm Each realm operates as a Internationaal bank . Loans real estate would appy to these international realms banking institutions The Vote Of what Realm will be the International Headquarters Governing ALL realms. This vote goes for each juristictional Micronations who hold Sovereign Treaties.This Vote (As Much as you donate) Appy to NONE micronations.Token owners investor's can also vote to gain juristical banking rights adding your token to the added currency bank listing.The importance of development and acivement depends on the time it takes to deploy the Anunki Dragon Token to the Polygon Network.
Current Results
in 1989, a Russian recon pilot leaked this footage over the “North Pole” which is really the portal to Agartha, the swirling vortex at inner edge of the mystical realm of Hyperborea! #VRTX #ExploreWithUs!
$VRTX tokenholders: What do you think of using organic token rewards to sponsor the purchase an unmanned helicopter system to record, document and/or livestream our remote explorations? Please comment and share for free $KRMR! 🤑 #ExploreWithUs #VRTXtoken #VRTX: #BeyondAntarctica #ExploreWithUS
I came up with 3 areas of this Earth that are very much underexplored: 1. North Pole 2. South Pole 3. Ocean Floor Where would all my crypto explorers and leaders be interested in going first? Any suggestions for another area of discovery? Your input is greatly appreciated!
24 hours after its release to the POLYGON (MATIC) Blockchain…$VRTX has quickly spun up some 102% in value…Tremendous triple digit single-day growth! Stay tuned as we prepare a vote on our first collaborative exploration mission! #VRTX