You can join the BitMonky project 'Guerrilla Coders Inc' and become a contributor here https://gsoft.bitmonky.com/whzon/adMgr/joinAsStaff.php?muid=0e6edb9048a21b1e3964fe60823675b9&rfm=webr https://image.bitmonky.com/img/GCodersInc.png

Anyone interested can follow along as I update the source code on my youtube channel www.youtube.com/@bitmonky8484/featured I will be explaining how I convert the code so that It can be generalized to run on any domain. Once it is ready you will be able to spin up your own server or have me manage a server for you will be able to pay for with MintMe coin

Now that I am feeling better again I have decided to open source the old bitMonky.com site and let MintMe Token owners use it to build community sites that run with their Token under their own domain. Stay tunned for more info.


What do you think? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG_st-gfe58



We All Need To Watch This To The End So the MINTME message gets out there! It's only 2 1/2 minutes long. MINTME wins You Win! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_vbbI9adzSE


Watch, Like Subscribe To Help Promote MINTME! The more people who learn about MINTME the better it is for us ALL! ** Make sure to watch it all to help with the YouTube algorithm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cMYtESSV98