“It is important to talk about Blockchain, tokens, and cryptocurrencies to your followers, family, and friends.”.
Continuing the subject of crypto-education we already talked about how and who we should try to educate in the crypto-world and the blockchain technology but we haven’t yet talked about What we should talk about and why. So this post will be to enlighten you a little bit about why is it important to talk about Blockchain, tokens, and cryptocurrencies to your followers, family, and friends.
Starting a crowdfunding campaign is easy, sing in, put on your information. But, to share the news and keep track of your progress is not that easy. Usually, not many people can say that they have buyers before they even started. Creating a solid group of followers that you know are willing to help you out and buy your tokens is not an easy thing. Now, this is what leads us to one of the reasons why we should educate the people around us:
A hidden World
Even though Blockchain is a technology that is open to everyone in a way in which no other technology has ever been (I dare say) it is not yet of common usage and many people are still just trying to figure out what it is, or they have just heard about the popular Bitcoin or scandals like the Musk’s Tokens. It isn’t like talking about subjects like smartphones and social media, it is more like talking about something that is there, vivid and palpable but not everyone knows about it yet.
Has crypto enthusiasts and token creators we aim to be Blockchain and crypto evangelists, share the world with the world hoping to create awareness that would enhance our own projects and boost our tokenization process. Knowledge sells, it means that people could be more convinced and secure to buy something they know well and feel confident about.
Tokens are amazing!
Yes, I know It may sound cheap as a reason, but believing in yourself is important when it comes to convincing others and be able to reach success. If you are convinced about what you do and you believe tokens can mean a great change then you should feel more cheerful to let other people know about it. Since you believe is a good opportunity, you want others to know it as well.
Meditate about the possibilities. At the same time that you grow in your knowledge advertising your campaign will become easier because you will find the words, you have been looking for to earn buyers and supporters. And of course, it will become a more fun job, since you will be able to enjoy seeing the responses of the people and how they get to understand and join the crypto world as well as you.
“Believing in yourself is important when it comes to convincing others and be able to reach success”.
Strong community = Strong campaign
A strong Tokenization and crowdfunding campaign also depend on a strong community behind them. Creating awareness can earn followers that will not only support you once, but many times and they will also become the voices to talk about your project to others and create a line of referred people.
mintMe.com can give you the tools you need and the platform to create a campaign, with your own tokens, then you can make such campaign grow with your advertisement. Educate people about this hidden world that they should all know about and earn followers that will become the support for you and for this amazing environment called the blockchain.
Mary Schwartz