A new year has started and it’s always quite overwhelming to think about those things we have lost yet we also need a push sometimes to remember the things we won, whether experiences that made us be better people or new knowledge that changed our way of thinking. A new year is not only a change of date, it is the planet earth finishing a cycle and showing us that we shall do the same. As for us, the crypto enthusiasts, new resolutions always come along with new ideas to invest in cryptocurrencies and discover the many possibilities of use with custom cryptocurrencies and token creation.
A good year for custom cryptocurrencies
At this time of the year, Bitcoin already exceeds $29,000 after rising 300% in 2020. This year has brought great challenges and above all, it has forced us to reinvent ourselves and this does not exclude the world economy, traditional currencies and assets have always suffered losses, which generates distrust in many sectors. However, each time of crisis represents an opportunity, and from the challenges that 2020 brought us, the new digital economy and cryptocurrencies have shown their great stabilizing potential
Even though volatile this so-called bubble is not yet predicted to fall so soon, acknowledging that 2021 is also a year of a technological burst and digital technology will lead even more we can force that digital alternatives/ solutions for money savings and movements will remain in the path of crypto as far as we can see, the trend is positive and many experts say that even now is a good time to invest in cryptocurrencies.
However, because we are talking about changes we also cannot forget that not everything is about the Bitcoin bubble because after the invention and introduction to the world of blockchain technology many other options overflown the market, such is the case of custom cryptocurrencies.
New Year's resolutions
Because the odds are good for this year in the crypto market we also wonder: what is the next step? Well, talking about new year's resolutions I’ve got two important things to mention that may be helpful for you starting this year while getting in context with the increasingly powerful crypto world.
- Make plans: Making plans is the first step to actually get things done for many people because they need to be able to visualize what they want to achieve in order to move their cards and play the game towards their goals in life more effectively. Have you wondered if you are one of them? Perhaps writing down your resolutions and planning out can change your course for good. Even when it comes to investing in crypto or choosing the right altcoins to hold and trade planning can make a huge difference. Using your money smartly and planning for the future, yet we aren’t talking only about planning something for the future that may never happen because they are made to fail based on an untruthful reality, this leads us to a second point.
- Do it step by step: Every person is different, not only in terms of personalities but for income, living conditions, and personal disposition. Do it step by step every day. For example, a 600 pages book can seem like a huge goal if you plan to read it in one day, but if you take it slowly and plan to read it within a month you could be reading only 20 minutes a day, and of course, reading 20 min is not such a hard task, is it? Set your own steps and consider the many aspects surrounding your decisions. If you want to create a token then don’t rush to set the time of release or through an airdrop, take your time and think it through, look at the market opportunities and fluctuations and consider what others do as well.
Other than wanting to make conclusions what a crypto enthusiast does is ponder and make smart moves. Custom cryptocurrencies will certainly have a boost looking at the market predictions, on top of that if you think that getting into the crypto movement now is a late answer, let me tell you that it isn’t. Let’s find out what this new year can bring and join a world that is just getting started with awesome projections for the future.
Mary Schwartz