DogecoinX is a deflationary, satirical token taking its relatable straight forward satire approach to the world. We try to be a straight shooter but we do get strange noise from random hater cryptos. We play doctor, coder(🤦‍♂️), writer, trader and sometimes even we play internet security firm consultant (satire joke) 🤣 🤷‍♂️ We look to be a marketing style crypto generating revenues from referrals, lead sales, internet traffic redirection, and utility brought about by acceptance probably mostly through us through advertising.(plug- checkout it out, sign up through and buy some DogecoinX!) We try to reissue those to shareholders by buybacks, limiting token offerings, adding market depth. We try to be fair and aim to have high market depth to support your investment. We strive to stay creative to develop multiple uses for this token rather than just one or two. We currently own 10 domains crypto related so we do have expenses. We chose to use redirects until we get a chance to build out. Now over 100 Deployed Tokens on MintMe we see growth in the mintme platform as a whole! We aim to stay below 1,000,000 tokens in issuance(exception development and creators FUTURE tokens released 2m) All tokens are on the secondary. 3m Burned. We aim to be deflationary by partial redemption burn (25-50% when used for advertising) A joke coin now growing in potential, just a random guy on the internet one day found this site and wanted to try it! Within 15 minutes I was deployed on Ethereum! Hi Mom! 👋 After months actually growing a footing. 320+ Wallets Opened! We are learning, doing well considering NO experience! We Thank You All For your Support!! This is a hobby but we try to be a win for our investors and community by bringing in new users and not letting bullshit slide. Cause we all win with more users and less bullshit! 🤷‍♂️

Created on:
25 May 2021
Wallet on exchange:
4 374 939.7066
Sold on the market:
1 301 620.1489
Active orders:
301 916.0000
Created on:
25 May 2021
Wallet on exchange:
4 374 939.7066
3 766 274.2267
Sold on the market:
1 301 620.1489
Direct buy volume:
Latest News
Minemint looking to kill competitors post
04:08:26 19 Aug, 2021

Minemint team is out for blood on satoshi too as well as others saying the creator cannot sell their tokens and buying them. I think that goes against what the signup said. They say anyone with a few hundred dollars cannot have their own crypto! This would stoke a huge blow to mintme as they would look to remove a huge number of coins and make it 80% harder to get a new users in the platform… they think only their platform is the best leaving everyone else a scam token. We reread our message logs and don’t actually care so we are looking to make those public for your opinion. We will blur out the names requested to be removed from any text. We think you should understand whatever they think is going on here. As we continue to hold the HIGHER moral ground refusing to be intimated by someone wanting to do harm or by imposing their will over many tokens or the platform. And limiting growth by limiting new users and tokens and threatening legal battles over selling!

Minemint team attacks mintme platform post
02:08:06 19 Aug, 2021

The Minemint team attacks the mintme token platform taking on tokens like whistleblower, Indian Jones, and many other tokens. Stay tuned folks as they will soon find out we referred real people and businesses.. how can a new account understand swaps in 1 day and have exact same number of tokens…. Easily traceable on this platform for those who know actually… if buying and selling is good then we think Minemint token is attacking the platform. No body even knows why they are mad other than we sold and explained. We seek information of their grievance. 🤷‍♂️Don’t sell they may think you are manipulating or something else. Then they will file something with their lawyer attacking the platform if you sell.

What’s wrong with Minemint? post
02:08:35 19 Aug, 2021

So what’s Minemint a problem?! Seriously anyone actually know what their grievance is? We got harassed and sold their coin. No story here.. we are confused as to why so many tokens got transferred out of mineminttoken and why they are also the whistleblower account also the (coincollector account) 🤷‍♂️ We are thinking those fingers are pointing back at them pretty hard right now actually as they manipulate their market down to .1… I donno here. We sold at 1 do to dilution to prss and they are selling for 10x less than that hyperdiluting value. Driving prices to all time lows. 🤷‍♂️ Not us.

How mintme works… post
00:08:56 19 Aug, 2021

Some of you all realize this some don’t. The mintme market is larger than it was when I joined. It will continue to grow. Real New User Growth is the only thing that will raise, in general, all boats. (Level 201 disagrees will same statement considering “all”) anyways. A lot of you guys have great projects, but forget this is a small market right now. It’s concept is been very interactive, the Facebook of crypto companies! So my deal is kinda into bringing in users not just for me in DogecoinX but for mintme user growth as a whole and feel it’s trickle down effects will be beneficial to most deployed tokens. I am sure everyone of you can get a domain out launched and deployed just with the intention for bringing in new users for your own coin. We are actually getting cards made because talking about it people are interested they need something to hold on to. I am a marketing machine… we all should be!

Mineminttoken down 95%! post
17:08:29 18 Aug, 2021

Mineminttoken down 95% as DogecoinX called scam while DogecoinX thinks obvious share dilution of over 500,000 tokens sunk its own ship. We are sure if they are quitting taking outta Whatever they can from the company or rebasing/diluting to people that over paid. From selling for 2mintme to selling For .1 the minemintteam seemed to take advantage of a lot of investors. With all the main large dilution selling what happened to minemint token? If it generates income like it said it may be worth more than its trading for, if They scam and run it’s worthless. Making us geniuses seeing through debasement and exiting a partial position at 1 mintme! 🎉🎉 10x more than what they are asking for their token now!

Our direction is mintme’s function… post
04:08:37 18 Aug, 2021

Our direction and path has come to a mintme purpose. Not only have we found ours, ours is very much in alignment with theirs. You see we do domain stuff on the side and am starting to read a little about the mining process by webpages?!?! Like no way, what we think we will make DogecoinX advertising sales, we will get paid in mintme for traffic and time spent on the page too?! Am I reading this right? So I donno for real what will happen. I think what we are doing is right, however we didn’t know what we were doing and we are adapting and learning and investing in ourselves. We aren’t selling off to take a few mintme. We are finally in a direction that makes somewhat since especially considering our function now is bringing in traffic. You might not have liked our call outs, but I don’t really stand for BS. And our selling do to the dilution of one coin was genius cause we beat them to the market! What we saw happening… happened!

Reminding Investors and Creators post
01:08:49 18 Aug, 2021

DogecoinX reminds investors and creators… 👇

…But they tried to kill my Doge. post
01:08:40 17 Aug, 2021

We are drafting content now for future blog posts. Landing page and placements for ad spacing coming up. We will adjust advertising rates to increased traffic probably every 6 months. We hope to see some increased traffic. We met a group looking to educate in crypto locally and they wanted my card. It was like a weird fate. We think this platform may start to get footing in the USA. They are educators of crypto apparently and wanted more info and I showed them the Mintme site and said for $250 your educators group can have their own crypto! Curious how that plays out! Another website talking about mintme would be good.

Are we Mintme’s Golden Ticket? post
09:08:12 16 Aug, 2021

I was just a dreamer wanting to be a crypto one day we found this site. All fun, but people started really wanted us to do something and with the name stuck we didn’t have much flexibility. With a focus and direction and long term goals with the platform, we think we can bring in new users as our primary function. Now this is a purpose we should all cheer for! We suggest slowly buying actually for the first time again really since about .75. We will be deflationary by usage through us we are thinking 25-50% Our use will be derived from only accepting DogecoinX currency, no cash, mintme, Bitcoin, or anything else on our marketing platforms where we show people where to sign up and buy it. Rates for marketing will depend on placement and size. And we will burn 100% of the first deal we agree to! So why are we golden? Our function is to make you win by being a option to more buyers, mintme win by collecting more trading fees, investors more deployments, us well…🚀

2 minor updates- post
01:08:21 16 Aug, 2021

1. DogecoinX will remove some of its tokens from other creators (and our reserves) to a different mintme wallet as soon as we figure out how. We will do this for 2 reasons. Balance out the ownership while creating market stability. Also, We will not give any rationale for trades we make. We enjoyed talking up basically all other tokens to get them some attention. 2. We will focus our blog or another site on Tokeconomics. We think this course will benefit ALL token creators as well as other micro crypto traders. With logic usable in understanding larger crypto markets. This might take the frustrations out of a selloff and increase buyer traffic when one occurs. We all feel the same. We are all emotionally invested (me financially as well) so these red days are a test of who we really are. Do we run and blame, ignore(best), or man up(my go to). We all will get them, like the chicken pox. Investors judge CEOs under pressure.

Top Holders
Trader Amount
723 070
226 297
182 160
179 244
150 499
122 839
99 800
87 188
49 939
26 535
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