One possible idea for a web Dapp and Mobile app that uses the $PRIDE coin is a social networking platform for the LGBTQ+ community. The platform could allow users to connect with other LGBTQ+ individuals from around the world and share information, resources, and support. Here are some features that could be included in the platform: User profiles: Users could create profiles that include their interests, hobbies, and location. They could also choose to identify their gender and sexual orientation. Chat and messaging: Users could send messages and chat with each other one-on-one or in group chats. Events calendar: The platform could include a calendar of LGBTQ+ events happening around the world. Users could add their own events to the calendar, such as Pride festivals or community meetups. Resource center: The platform could include a resource center with information on LGBTQ+ rights, health, and wellness. Users could contribute to the resource center by submitting articles, videos, or other educational content. Marketplace: The platform could include a marketplace where users could buy and sell products related to LGBTQ+ culture and activism. Users could use $PRIDE coins to make purchases. Donation center: The platform could include a donation center where users could donate $LGBTQ coins to LGBTQ+ organizations and causes. Rewards program: Users could earn $PRIDE coins for participating in the platform, such as by contributing to the resource center or attending events. They could use these coins to unlock special features or make purchases on the marketplace. Overall, this platform would aim to create a safe and supportive space for LGBTQ+ individuals to connect and engage with each other, while also promoting activism and community building.

Listed on:
19 Feb 2021
Active orders:
46 926 624.0000
Listed on:
19 Feb 2021
Active orders:
46 926 624.0000
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3 225
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00:07:52 13 Jul, 2023

Phase 7: Future Enhancements and Innovation (2024 onwards) - Explore opportunities for further integration of $PRIDE Coin in various industries beyond travel and hospitality. - Continuously innovate and introduce new features, such as loyalty programs and partnerships with LGBTQ+ organizations. - Collaborate with regulatory bodies to ensure compliance and create a safe and transparent ecosystem for $PRIDE Coin users. Through this roadmap, $PRIDE Coin aims to revolutionize the way Rainbow & LGBTQ+ travelers make transactions, offering a secure and inclusive payment method that aligns with their values and needs.

00:07:11 13 Jul, 2023

Phase 6: Global Expansion and Integration (2024 onwards) - Expand the acceptance of $PRIDE Coin to hotels, resorts, and businesses worldwide, fostering inclusivity and support for the LGBTQ+ community. - Develop mobile applications and tools to enhance the accessibility and convenience of $PRIDE Coin for travelers. - Continuously improve the $PRIDE Coin ecosystem based on user feedback and emerging technologies.

00:07:27 13 Jul, 2023

Phase 5: Strategic Partnerships and Adoption (2023 onwards) - Collaborate with LGBTQ+-friendly businesses, including hotels and resorts, to establish $PRIDE Coin as a preferred payment method. - Forge partnerships with payment processors and exchanges to enable seamless conversion between $PRIDE Coin and fiat currencies. - Develop strategic marketing campaigns to raise awareness and promote the benefits of $PRIDE Coin among LGBTQ+ travelers.