Mint Me is a great forum and I had a really great time with all the wonderful traders here! However it is either a lot of work or a bunch of money you must pour into it to succeed. Right not I am in the top ten but will not be in a few hours. There are currently no plans to put any more efforts into this project so I must say goodnight. Thanks, Thoth, Splat, Mutsdach, Smile, Bestinza and of course Headbash. All the traders who helped teach me about Crypto and finance in general, you are wise beyond your years. Fair Thee Well! - Billy

Mint Me is a great forum and I had a really great time with all the wonderful traders here! However it is either a lot of work or a bunch of money you must pour into it to succeed. Right not I am in the top ten but will not be in a few hours. There are currently no plans to put any more efforts into this project so I must say goodnight. Thanks, Thoth, Splat, Mutsdach, Smile, Bestinza and of course Headbash. All the traders who helped teach me about Crypto and finance in general, you are wise beyond your years. Fair Thee Well! - Billy

A new shipment of Green Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee is underway along with a couple upgrades in the technology and machinery of our outfit. A new commercial coffee grinder as well as a customizable label printer are in the process of being ordered and will bring efficiency and cost savings to ensure the service and quality of our coffee! No, sorry this isn't a new decentralized payment platform based coin with staking options and an upcoming NFT market place. This is a real business with a future on planet earth! Buy Ovelle now, the price will rise. PS. I m looking for a new decentralized payment platform based coin with an upcoming NFT market place to invest in, and a banana.

Definitely some of the best coffee I've had. The one I had received was the Better Morning Blend. I'll have try the others when I can. Thanks to them for reaching out to me. -Smile Creator Check out Ovellecoffee.com

Thanks for the Love my Swiss Brother! https://www.mintme.com/token/1000x/posts#20498

Putting in good sell orders now, buy while it’s low and watch as the trades heat up. We are making an NFT push with some local media coverage in the works! This is real, not some guy taking screen shots with a smartphone talking about utility and dividends. Small business with a passion and an interest in new technologies. Cash in before it’s too late

If you live anywhere in the Continental United States and hold 7000+ Ovelle you will receive a free bag of coffee! DM if you qualify

Check out our Instagram for pictures of our visit with our producer the Jamaican Coffee Growers Association. They are a co op who work to modernize the value chain in Jamaica. Instead of the borderline feudal system that currently exists they seek to work towards a more socialist based community organization. Of course there are numerous road blocks but as JCGA President Donald Salmon says if you can dream it you can achieve it.