Hello all I want to fully end my first month and share what i accomplished, what you can accomplish. What we as a community can accomplish. And thank you with all my heart for the support! I have made a partnership with EUBI, that has given me the oppertunity to learn, extend my knowledge, help others, and offcourse.. some MintMe. I started out with not alot, i actually borrowed the full amount and in less then 1 month i was able to repay my debt, keep my buystack and made even more agreements. And MintMe. The next coming time i will be editing the website mostly (Already a simple course online), and probably investing here and there. Don't forget our https://prss.tech/projects/ fund and https://prss.tech/faucet/ for newcomers! We'll talk again soon, but for now let's let the market do it's thing and let me update as much as i can for you! https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all As promised, i'm going to share my piece of income i gathered from investing in the form of returning it to the comunity and new projects. The only thing you need to do is go to our https://prss.tech/projects/ page, leave your details and i'll get back to you. Note, the amount available is to be distributed. https://www.mintme.com/explorer/addr/0x639c6a6468834564fde694ab468d7b641f352f19 is the public wallet. As promised, this came first. Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all Today is a special day, EUBI took over some extra shares (total 51%) and will now include PRSS token in it's own profit share payment program. All PRSS token holders will receive a monthly profit share in the same way and time as EUBI and SILVERING token holders. The payout amounts will be the same per token. I wish to extra thank EUBI for the oppertunity, MoonMarsMan, you deserve a shout out for the investments you just filled, and all the rest who is coming in soon. I thank and welcome you all. Website updates are still in progress now :) Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all Thanks to the help of the development team who is creating the MintyDEFI, one of the first pairs are created. I have created the EUBI/PRSS pairing with the help of Jessie, which will be pooled trough Uniswap. The pairing is all done trough the MintMe wallet and isn't that hard to do IF you follow the Github pages correctly <- Selfblame The end of the first month is nearing started the 2nd of June, and i thank you ALL. 32 wallets opened up and counting. In this pricerange, this seems pretty fair for a startup. I'm foreseeing alot of good things here on MintMe, new projects with terrific idea's. Please don't be alone and get in touch with our community! I'm working towards the page i promised for the new projects, where i will each time also update the balance available on a seperate and public wallet, after donations to projects have been made. Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all The end of the month is nearing so many of you are holding on some choices to hold or to sell. I have decided to make some extra investments for future stability. An achievable goal, but with absolute control on your own actions that reflect on your followers. Today i have made EXTRA investments in Onchain Projects as seen below. In the next update, i'm going to make sure everybody can get a piece of the pie. And each time something goes into the pot for new startups, it will only grow for more. I adore a stable community, a united front. We can make that part together. - MintMoXMR - 400 MINTME - DeZentrale - 250 MINTME - MineMintToken - 1000 MINTME - SILVERING - 250 MINTME - EUBI - 250 MINTME I am not a huge investor, but what i can do i will. And what i have is thanks to all of you. Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all Today i would like to apologise for my absence the last few days, i have been struck with roadside workers that didn't seem to figure out how to reconnect a full block to the internet. Next up, since EUBI is a major shareholder, i'm going to try and make a EUBI/PRSS pool under the Minty DEFI structure. (Prio number 1). And in my last post i said i wanted to give back to the community but i wanted to make sure that my partner agreed with my ideas. I'm going to distribute 25% of my monthly income that i get from my investments and create an application page on the website where you can admit your project and i can decide how much or which projects i support. Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all Today i would like to introduce some new features, made on our https://prss.tech/ but also beyond. Together with EUBI, we made alot of compromises and are steady building up our market. My pricing strategy wasn't the best so i've had a little bit of help here. I think these prices should be more attractive, i'll try to edit the prices on our website accordingly each time too. Furthermore, the introscreen has a small revamp that causes a better load, the forum is updated and ready to be used. The LMS system is finally ready (Now i'm going to need to bring my old skills up) and up for courses. Since we're pretty close in some projects and we're doing good business, i plan on sharing some of my earnings too. Sort of a pay it forward. I want to ask for feedback first, so more later. Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all Today i would like to announce that 90% of our tokens are burned. This means an increased value, scarecity and to show and prove you that i'm not going to flood the market, i have partnered up with https://www.mintme.com/token/EUBI/trade. He has now 40% ownership over PRSS, while my 60% is still being used for services and purchases. To show willingness that we are also giving away free information and you CAN join our community, we are providing an airdrop for the users who are willing to participate in this project without too much investing. I wish to thank EUBI for the oppertunity, the parnership, and keep promise to advance here on this market. My setbacks haven't let me down, instead my courses are already requested and i can already provide technical/consultancy information in our discord channel. Kind Regards, https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS ° *tx in comments

Hello all, A little bit less good news today, as said i had a meeting at the local office to setup and officialize plus also have a safety-on-web course for children. Both requests were denied unfortunately, mostly due to the fact that the laws about privacyregulations still are in discomfort and i'm going to need a lawyers degree (or a lawyer) for that to happen. This does not mean that PRSS is giving up, instead i am dedicated to do this with the knowledge and the certifications i have at the moment, and will take some extra courses. I am also looking in my inner circle so i can still give a course for kids. I'm hiring help where needed and upcoming, i'm going to update the http://prss.tech/ more and more, invest here and there, and start to promote some services in following times. Please, join our discord! Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all, With great proud i can say that PRSS is already listed on https://coinpaprika.com/coin/prss-prss/. It keeps amazing me, the amount of support i get from every side. 9 days ago i started this journey, look where i stand now? I listed myself the day i created PRSS and worked my ass off. Some people know i sacrificed alot of sleep over this, hehe. What have i done in the meanwhile? I see that my https://prss.tech/faucet was throwing an error, that should be fixed now. There are 2 SLP tokens that can be grabbed free on the discordserver too! I have added an LMS & forum (WIP), fixed some backlinks and a css errors and added role functionalities for website access. Next following days will be styling, hoping to fix a fully integrated paysystem with PRSS (trying to figure out how) and then the 14th. Kind Regards, https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS