Hello all, Today i would like to introduce our newest https://prss.tech/courses/ system that has been placed online, the courses are still in progress of being made and updated, as those are manual courses with possible examns. There will be alot of free courses, but there will also be courses that will be exclusively for backers, as seen on our https://prss.tech/pricing/ table. Transparancy is key, the 14th of June UTC+2 i have a meeting with a local office consultancy to see where we can improve, how to officialize this business in my country. And the piece of the pie i would like to share: A local hosted course for children about safety on web. As a father i have been confronted this myself too. If anybody has any questions, how delicate even. I might be able to help. We talk soon with more updates! Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello all. I am glad to announce, That thanks to the generousity of this fantastic management, PRSS is able to get on the MintMe webchain. I wish to express my deepest gratitude and loyalty to https://www.mintme.com/token/EUBI/trade. Without this, i wouldn't be able to spread more awareness and inform/teach or help. We will be having more content coming in every day and will even try to (locally) host a training for childred about safety-on-web. People who have any questions can always contact us on https://discord.gg/fG77j3Nf4F as well as our https://prss.tech. Kind Regards, https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS

Hello Alot of privacy is being abused, misused, still being sold or worse. Be aware about your data and your own online safety. Be aware about your users their privacy and about your own responsabilities as an administrator who holds their data. In our https://prss.tech/blog/, we've made a post about GDPR and the introduction to CIPP/E. You can read the post here: Currently we are improving our website and are looking to bring a bit interactivity to reward people who are interested but are not able to buy our PRSS token. If you have any questions, here you should own 100 https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS/trade, but on our website you can https://prss.tech/contacts/ us for free. Kind Regards https://www.mintme.com/profile/PRSS

Hello marketeers, investors, communities, bankers, security experts or other. https://prss.tech/ or Personal and Reliable Security Services has promised not to give away any shares. As a measure of bonding, we would like to give at least something and to show gratitude to everybody who is interested in our services. Therefore we have created a https://prss.tech/faucet/ on our website for everybody to use as they will. There are set limits however. You can check the website for updates, there will be coming e-courses and webinars soon. You can be up to date by following our https://prss.tech/blog/ for upcoming newsupdates we will not be able to crosspost. We also offer a wallet service for those who wish to have an independantly secured https://prss.tech/wallet/. Kind Regards. https://www.mintme.com/profile/PRSS

https://www.mintme.com/token/PRSS - Personal and Reliable Security Services is a token that is based on stability. Our mission is to have a safer place for our communities. We have an advising role on Safety & Security on webchains, as well as how to strengthen en defend our communities against outside attacks. This token is not a token that is meant to be airdropped, rewarded, given away for free or under the pre-estimated market value. No other sale offers will ever be accepted. Every person that buys 1 share can count on personal services and active response in our field of expertise. As well as personal gratitude, friendship, investment returns (which need to be calculated once PRSS goes onchain), weekly updates and more.