It is not a secret that many businesses have suffered tremendously due to the current global health crisis. The coronavirus outbreak has devastated many industries, in both public and private sectors, from small to big businesses in the realms of supply chains, food chains, like restaurants and fast food, public transportation, fine dining, sports, entertainment, theaters, cinemas, tech conferences, schooling, banking. More than 30million people have lost their jobs. This situation has truly shaken up business and consumer behavior on a massive scale. For those business owners who lost everything in the process, there must be a way in which they can start once again to build trust for their businesses. For those who have really lost it all. How can they get back on their feet and start working again?
Take care of what you love
If you are one of those many who have lost their jobs or business then you must know by now that your whole family had a different perspective on the matter, sometimes we think they don’t really care about us, but it’s not the case, uncertainty affects different people in different ways. Every person reacts differently before difficult situations. Who we are, those who we love, that's the most important piece on the matter. You may have felt that the foundation of your lives fell out from under yourself, It’s really hard to be in the moment without worrying about the future and what’s gonna happen but has long had your mind continues to be centered in your aims and in taking care of what’s most important everything will start to make sense for you once again.
Regain confidence
The first thing we think about when something didn’t go the way we wanted is that we are a failure: ”My business won’t work, I'm going to fail again, It’s impossible.” Let me tell you that you aren’t. Many people out there are in the same situation as you are and they don’t give up after one failure. Confidence is powerful when it comes to taking back your dreams. Simply put, things could sometimes work and sometimes not so much. Maybe some mistakes were made, but it’s not over for you yet.
This reminds me of trading, it's risky and you could lose but when you win you can win a big deal. Anything that happens whether you lose or win. What is important is that you learn from the experience. Now is a very good time to re-evaluate the things that are important to you and establish in your mind what you want to achieve in life. Much of the pain experienced arises because we invest so much of ourselves into our companies. However, we have to remember even if you loved your business, you can start again.
Something good about mintme.com so to speak is that we don’t only care about the money but we care about giving people from everyplace, any race and any social condition the opportunity to grow up and fund their projects. Yes! it’s not just about the money. The non-material elements: people, family, friends, partners are what’s most important.
Regaining confidence is important because the way in which you think can impact what you want to achieve and, therefore, your definition of success and failure. This is not the end of your life. You need to forgive yourself and start over, you will come back stronger and wiser and everyone will benefit as a consequence.
Crypto tokens to start over
Tokens are the tool you can use to build up your trust again. Tokenization can help you keep a sense of perspective and focus on what's important in your business. By being able to receive support from the people who believe in you and by marketing your token you are also giving people from many countries of the world. They are a huge tool to have control and know directly your people as well as your money,finally becoming your own entrepreneur
Business loss is the hardest thing an entrepreneur has to face. It’s true the amount of loss is up to what kind of business you have, but the feeling is the same to us all. To think in alternatives is necessary and crypto can't be left aside as one of the principal alternatives.
There are many reasons why, if you want to start over, crypto may be what you need.
Direct connections
One of those important things you lose when you lose your business is the important connections you had, but for example tokenization at mintme would allow you to build a community again. Creating relations and contacts is very important for any business. Knowing that the spread of the coronavirus has caused the loss of numerous partnership opportunities which affected us greatly we cannot take this lightly. We also have hopes knowing that the spread of coronavirus has boosted digital media consumption across the board as people spend more time at home and communicate in person less and that has given the blockchain initiatives a chance to demonstrate what they can do.
When it comes to money
The World Health Organization (WHO) is recommending that all consumers should pay without requiring any contact, which means that paying with cash right now would be considered old. Many countries have spent a lot of money only doing a sort of recycling with the bills. They literally wash them (no pun intended) and put them in circulation again. South Korea and China are undertaking similar efforts. Not to say that this once again has to give us more confidence in blockchain and crypto. This type of increased usage could speed up the adoption curve for these payments by attracting customers who would have otherwise continued using cash.
Many banks have already closed completely. The pandemic has reduced/ finished all visits to the financial institution, discouraging customers from visiting to reduce the chance of spreading the virus. But customers need to have access to their money and they need to keep buying and selling, once again, tokenization could be the answer you have been waiting for, this reality will make digital the primary channel for a whole new set of customers across the world. Bringing a new and brighter future for your business and taking you further than you ever imagined.
Mary Schwartz