How to deploy a token to the blockchain

Please follow the steps below to deploy your token on the MintMe platform.

How to deploy your token to the blockchain:

1. To begin, "Log In" to your MintMe Account, click on “My Account” in the top-right corner, and select “Token settings” from the drop-down menu.

2. Go to the "Deploy" tab.

3. Select the blockchain you want to deploy your token on, from the dropdown, then click on the "Deploy to blockchain" button.


  • MINTME spent here will be inaccessible to anyone (frozen) for 5 years. So you lower the circulating supply of MINTME with each purchase and increase the probability of MINTME’s price going up.
  • Non-deployed tokens are not tradable except by the token owner. Users cannot trade non-deployed tokens until they are officially deployed on the blockchain.
  • The price of deployment is cheaper if you deploy on the Coin blockchain.
  • You need to set the token release period first. After deployment, it will be impossible to change it.
  • Deployment cannot be canceled or reversed.
  • For deploying a token, you will get new features and benefits:
    • You will be able to withdraw and deposit your token.
    • Your token will be listed on the Trade page.
    • You will have the option to bridge your token across multiple blockchains. Learn how to do it on this article "How to bridge your token to multiple blockchains"