“Project’s ideas are multiple and vast, you just have to put into perspective who you are and what you are good at, and it will be the perfect chance to start something on your own that can meet a need for a specific time or for a specific public.”.
We have talked in other occasions about how to make money from home through tokenization or how can tokens help us start our small project idea and how important it is not to miss the chance to plan and fundraise because our projects are worth despite the size of them.
Putting effort in what we do is what gives value to it, but there is something else that also makes our ideas important, and it’s the fact that they have a purpose to fulfill whether short or long term and making them come true becomes not only an option but a need.
Creating a short-term project
Creating a project doesn’t always require years, some projects can be limited by time and are made for specific reasons or needs that we see. For example, what if you want to start a small camp for the kids in your community, which the right planning and the support of the parents it can become a great adventure managed within your community and fundraised by them through token creation.
Maybe you would like to start a bicycle’s repair shop during summer for your neighborhood and would like to receive crypto payments with your own coin, giving special offers to those who buy your tokens, a nice sticker for the bike or just a special treat.
Since I am a musician myself, I must suggest this as an idea: music summer schools! To this, I have to add the fact that even during this pandemic music and arts, in general, found a way through, at first with a lot of difficulties but later on people started to adapt and it actually seems that people want to continue this way. The so-called e-learning is here to stay and the possibilities will continue to grow meanwhile people adapt and new applications and platforms are designed to meet people's needs. But nevertheless, I have participated in online courses made by colleges of mine who specialize in very specific and interesting subjects. People like them, normal people, like you and me can offer courses, trials, webinars or online lessons easily and get monetized through their own customized cryptocurrency, or even if they don’t want to ask for payment they can create a token to crowdfund and people would be able to support the project with what they decide.
Short-term project’s ideas are multiple and vast, you just have to put into perspective who you are and what you are good at, and it will be the perfect chance to start something on your own that can meet a need for a specific time or for a specific public. Make a short token crowdfunding campaign, and give it a time to finish it throng the development of your project idea.
Creating long-term projects
Long term projects require more planning and time but every situation asks for different solutions and sometimes the best we can do is offer something that can last a long time and continue to grow, meeting not only one need but many, for a bast number of people.
For example, imaging you are starting a new brand for clothes made for people who like movies, the movie lovers that support your idea would be able to have access to your merchandise by purchasing your tokens first. And you can offer special features for good buyers or early supporters. Because movies are something that won’t pass in just a few years, you will be creating a project that is meant to last long and your tokens can represent the start of something that will continue to grow. Even after your full amount of tokens have been purchased, you can maybe offer to give something in exchange for getting your tokens back, and be able to resell them for a higher price later on.
No long ago I talked to a friend of mine about how important it is that we learn to do things without depending on any government or political organization, why? Because they always fail and none knows our problems and our needs better than ourselves. If there are houses that need to be built, schools, or hospitals for example, why don’t we start our own cooperative construction company based solely on the direct contribution of the town or city? Being able to fundraise and be autonomous is one of the amazing characteristics of token creations and crowdfunding through the blockchain technology.
“how important it is that we learn to do things without depending on any government or political organization, why? Because they always fail and none knows our problems and our needs better than ourselves.”.
Then, whether you decide to build just a short term project and receive support from your friends or a small community, or start a long term project and earn credibility and loyalty, for both token creation can give you the tools to start with the right feed and build in your own idea with mutual support.
Mary Schwartz